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5 Helpful Tips for Handling Cold and Flu Season with Invisalign

October 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — canfieldbraces @ 3:29 pm
Woman blowing her nose while lying in bed

October is here, which means cold and flu season has begun! According to Harvard University, there are a few reasons you are more prone to getting sick during this time of the year, including the lack of vitamin D due to shorter days, and the increased amount of time spent indoors makes it more likely for you to breathe in the same air as someone who was ill. To stay healthy this winter, keep reading for five helpful tips for handling cold and flu season with Invisalign.

1. Drink Lots of Water Throughout the Day

Staying hydrated is crucial for several reasons. During cold and flu season specifically, it’s important because it helps replenish the liquid your body has lost from vomiting, blowing your nose, and the like. It’s also beneficial when it comes to your oral health since water removes food particles and residue from your teeth and aligners, helping to keep them clean and stain-free.

2. Buy Sugar-Free Cough Drops

Unfortunately, cough drops are often loaded with sugar. So, if you suck on them for prolonged periods of time, you’ll likely end up with a cavity or two. Don’t worry – there is a simple solution: buy sugar-free cough drops instead! That way, you can ease a hurting throat and nasty cough without harming your oral health.

3. Always Brush and Floss Your Teeth Before Bed

If you have a headache, your body is ache-y, and you’re exhausted, then you might be tempted to go to bed without completing your oral hygiene routine. Don’t! Remember, your oral health directly affects your overall health, so you need to continue to brush and floss your teeth – even when it seems inconvenient.

4. Keep Your Aligners Clean

Your aligners can get dirty quite quickly, especially if you’ve adopted a few bad habits, like leaving your trays out in the open when you aren’t wearing them. This can cause them to become a breeding ground for bacteria, increasing your chances of getting sick in the process. So, make sure to be proactive about keeping your trays clean. That starts with storing them properly when they aren’t in your mouth and extends to cleaning them with a soft-bristled toothbrush and lukewarm water after each meal.

5. Wash Your Hands Frequently

While some patients prefer to use an aligner removal tool, like OrthoKey, others prefer to simply use their hands. If you choose the latter, then it’s even more crucial to wash your hands frequently. Otherwise, any germs or bacteria on them will be directly exposed to your mouth and, in turn, your digestive tract. Simply put, you should always wash your hands before removing your trays, especially during cold and flu season.

About the Doctor

In addition to attending Villanova University, Dr. Marissa Mikolich earned her dental doctorate from The University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. From there, she obtained her Master of Science degree in oral biology at The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. Now, she has been happily helping patients achieve their dream smiles for many years, and she shares all of her tips and tricks for successfully navigating life with braces along the way. If you have any questions for her or you’d like to schedule a consultation, visit her website or call (330) 967-4110.

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